Optimize Your Metabolic Health with Your Genetics

Not one way of eating, exercising, or supplement "works" for everyone, despite the messages in fervent social media posts. Amongst the market for the "how and now" quick answer,  I've maintained, "Let's figure out what is right for YOU." 


The N=1 experiment is crucial. Yet, this journey can be long, confusing, and frustrating.


Thanks to advancements and availability in testing and software, we can now use the powerful information provided by your GENES to get to the answers of what will work for you more quicky and efficiently.



GeneRX is created by Canadian Naturopath Penny Kendall-Reed to " optimize diet, health and weight through personal genetics."

The software program generates a metabolic report from algorithms using your personal genetics. 


Your report includes summarized information and recommendations in these categories:

General Metabolic







Short Term Stress Response

Long Term Stress Response


Resistance Training

Injury Susceptibility & Prevention

General Inflammation

Phase 1 Detoxification

Phase 2 Detoxification


Vitamins, Minerals & Methylation








Approximatley 40 - 50 addition pages of your genetic infomation behind each summarization is included for those who like to dig a bit deeper.


Types of questions your report can answer:

  • Is your metabolism better supported with higher or lower fat eating?
  • Are you sensitive to carbohydrates in terms of blood sugar regulation, gut inflammation, or both?
  • Is your body efficient at converting thyroid hormone (T4) to the active form (T3)
  • To what extent does your Small Intestine produce the lactase needed to digest dairy?
  • Do you have more fast or slow twitch muscle fibers (and the corresponding best training strategies for you)?
  • To what degree to you produce and metabolize Dopamine and Seratonin?
  • Are you missing enzymes required in the detoxification phases, and if so what strategies would be beneficial?

and so much more!


Getting Started


Complete your genetic testing on your own through 23andMe  or DNAAllure. Ensure you select an option that includes "Health or Nutrition" in the description. Once you have your results, you forward me a report via email. (If you aren't sure which to order, you are welcome to check with me before purchasing.)

If you have already had your genetic testing done through either of these companies, it's quite possible you already have access to the report needed for me to input into GeneRX. 


Select your appointment with me below. I'll input and generate your GeneRX Metabolic Report. We'll set up the appointment (Phone or Zoom) to review your report, during which I'll personalize your generated recommendations by taking into consideration your current health and lifestyle factors. 

If you prefer to receive your report as it is generated without my input or personalized recommendations, select that option below.


More about genetics

Genetic testing is not like your bloodwork which changes. Your genes are your genes. Therefore, you only need to do your genetic testing once. Having a certain gene variant does not mean you're destined to aquire that condition, set of related symptoms, or disease.


 This is about EPIGENICS.  In simple terms, what turns a gene "on or off"?  Each category in your report lists some of the physical symptoms one may be experiencing if the variant is being expressed. If you don't have them, it's a good indication you're doing a great job of keeping that gene in the "off" position. Alternatively, what changes can one make to keep it or turn it "off", and restore health.


Knowing your personal genetics provides you the insights to work with your bio-individuality, taking the guessing out of diet and lifestyle options to reach your goals more easily and quickly.


Select Appointments/Reports

GeneRX Appointments/Reports

Report is emailed to you

Appointments are via Zoom or Phone. In person may be possible for existing clients upon request.

You will be contacted within 48 business hours to set your appointment, discuss next steps.


Questions? Please email me. Or book a phone consult for more assistance or guidance ~

Health and Wellness Appointments remain available without GeneRX.  Book Here